Srisawad Finance Public Company Limited shareholders saw gains overall during the trading day. During the Tuesday October 22, 2019 trading session, stocks of SET: BFIT, closed the trading session with positive gains of 18.75%. Shares closed up 5.25 THB over the last session when they closed at 33.25 THB per share.
Srisawad Finance Public Company Limited share close up: October 22, 2019 trading

As a whole, Thailand-based equities rose during Tuesday’s session. The SET, Thailand’s index of broad-based equities, closed the day with gains of 0.66%. The index rose to 1,631.46, a gain from the former session’s closing level of 1,620.78.
At the sector level, Finance & Securities companies saw relatively little changes in stock value. FIN, Thailand’s index of similar companies to Srisawad Finance Public Company Limited, closed the trading day Tuesday with gains of 2.14%.
The average volume for shares of Srisawad Finance Public Company Limited is 745,801. Tuesday’s trading day experienced higher volume than usual, with 10,769,800 total shares traded on the market. This exceeds normal volume by roughly 13.4x.
During the past 52 weeks, shares of SET: BFIT have traded between 14.50 and 34.50. Tuesday’s close at 33.25 places Srisawad Finance Public Company Limited near the high end of the range, off 1.25 THB per share from its 52-week highs. As a result, Srisawad Finance Public Company Limited’s market cap is 18.833 billion THB, and shares trade at a P/E ratio of roughly 61.31.
On the technical side, the 3-year monthly beta is around 2.38, and the coming ex-dividend date is May 03, 2018.